Un gioco d'azzardo online Glossario

Tuesday, 24. November 2009

[ English | Deutsch | Español | Français | Italiano ]

Anche se la realtà che il gioco d'azzardo online è oggi un miliardo di molte imprese del dollaro, e migliaia di giocatori ulteriori interminabili in tutto il mondo fino firmare ogni giorno a giocare a bische internet, ci sono inoltre milioni di nuovi arrivati nel mondo del web il gioco d'azzardo che non hanno ancora una buona comprensione di gran parte delle frasi tipiche impiegati in scommesse su Internet, e le scommesse sullo sport in generale. Tuttavia, la comprensione di queste idee è necessario per interpretare i giochi e le politiche di gioco:

AZIONE: Qualsiasi tipo di scommessa.

ALL-IN: Nel poker, all-in significa che un giocatore ha messo tutti i loro soldi nel piatto. Un secondo piatto è istituito per l'scommettitori con i chip aggiuntivi.

ALL-UP: scommettere su diversi cavalli al concorso stesso.

ANTE: Una frase poker per l'immissione un determinato valore del denaro nel piatto mano appena beforeevery comincia.

Bring-In: Una scommessa richiesto in 7-Card Stud fatta dal giocatore che mostra la carta più piccolo valore.

BUSTO: non si vince, come nel 21, quando le carte di un giocatore d'azzardo è valutata oltre 21.

Buy-in: L'importo minimo di chip necessari per entrare in una partita o un evento.

CALL: Come nel poker, quando una scommessa è la stessa di una scommessa fatta in precedenza.

CHECK: Nel poker, per restare nel match, senza scommesse. Ciò è applicabile solo in mancanza di altri giocatori scommettono in quel round.

CHIUSURA una scommessa: Come in spread betting, nel senso di mettere una scommessa pari a conversare, ma della puntata di apertura.

BET COLONNA: scommettere su uno o più dei 3 colonne di una tabella di roulette.

Come Bet: Nel gioco dei dadi, lo stesso come una scommessa pass-line, ma effettuata dopo la sindrome di Hurler ha stabilito il loro punto.

Come-out: A crapshooters roll iniziale per raggiungere un punto, o il primo lancio dopo un certo numero è stato raggiunto.

TUTA: A bingo termine, nel senso di coperta tutti i punti su un foglio di bingo.

CRAPPING OUT: Nel gioco dei dadi, a rotolare a due, tre o 12 è una sconfitta immediato sul lancio come-out.

DOPPIA TUTTI I GIORNI: Per scegliere i vincitori delle prime 2 gare del torneo.

DOWN BET: a scommettere che il risultato di un evento sarà inferiore alla fine più piccolo della citazione si sviluppa su una scommessa, anche come una svendita ".

Dozzina: In roulette, puntare su uno dei 3 gruppi di dodici numeri, 1-dodici, ecc

Ogni puntata WAY: una scommessa sportiva, che significa scommettere su una squadra o il giocatore o la posizione per avere successo in una partita.

EVEN MONEY SCOMMESSA: Una scommessa che paga la stessa cifra puntata, (1:1).

EXACTA: Scommesse che due cavalli in un evento si concluderà l'attribuzione assoluta stesso la scommessa – nota anche come "Perfecta".

Numero di cinque linea SCOMMESSA: In roulette, una scommessa su un gruppo di 5 numeri, come il 1-2-3-0, e 00.

Un glosario de juego en línea

Tuesday, 24. November 2009

[ English ]

A pesar de que la realidad de que los juegos de azar en línea es ahora un negocio muchos millones de dólares, y miles sin fin de jugadores adicionales en todo el mundo a firmar cada día para jugar en las casas de juego de Internet, hay, además, millones de recién llegados al mundo de la web de los juegos de azar que no todavía tienen una buena comprensión de gran parte de los lemas empleados en apuestas por Internet, y las apuestas en los deportes en general. Sin embargo, la comprensión de estas ideas es necesario para la interpretación de los juegos y las políticas de los juegos:

Acción: cualquier tipo de apuesta.

ALL-IN: En el póquer, todo en medio de un jugador ha puesto todo su dinero en el bote. Una segunda olla está configurado para la wagerers con chips adicionales.

ALL-UP: apostar a varios caballos en el mismo concurso.

ANTE: Una frase de póquer de la comercialización de un determinado valor del dinero en el bote mano sólo beforeevery comienza.

Bring-In: Una apuesta necesaria en 7-Card Stud por el jugador que muestra la tarjeta de menor valor.

BUSTO: No se puede ganar, ya que en 21, cuando las cartas de un jugador se valoran más de 21.

BUY-IN: La cantidad mínima de fichas necesarias para entrar en un partido o evento.

CONVOCATORIA: Como en el póquer, cuando la apuesta es la misma que una apuesta anteriores.

CHECK: En el póquer, a permanecer en el partido, sin apuestas. Esto es aplicable sólo si no hay ninguna apuesta de otros jugadores en esa ronda.

CLAUSURA una apuesta: Como en la propagación de apuestas, en el sentido de poner una apuesta igual a la inversa, sino de la apuesta de apertura.

Apuesta de columna: Para apostar en una o más de las 3 columnas de una mesa de ruleta.

COME BET: En el juego de dados, lo mismo que una apuesta de línea de pase, pero llevada a cabo después de que el lanzador ha establecido su punto.

Tiro de Salida: A crapshooters despliegue inicial para lograr un punto, o el primer lanzamiento después de un número se ha llegado.

MONO: un bingo plazo, es decir, a manta de todos los puntos en una hoja de bingo.

Crapping OUT: En el juego de dados, para rodar una de dos, tres o 12 es una derrota inmediata sobre la presentación en sociedad lanzamiento.

DOBLE DIARIO: Para elegir a los ganadores de las 2 primeras carreras del torneo.

DOWN BET: apostar a que el resultado de un evento será más bajo que el más pequeño final de la cita en una apuesta de difusión, también conocido como vender un "".

Apuesta de Docena: En la ruleta, apostar en cualquiera de los 3 grupos de doce números, 1-doce, etc

Cada apuesta manera: Una apuesta deportiva, lo que significa apostar en un equipo o un jugador para tener éxito o posición en un juego.

Incluso dinero de la apuesta: Una apuesta que paga la misma cantidad que la apuesta, (1:1).

EXACTA: Apuestas en que dos caballos en un evento finalizará en la misma cesión absoluta como la apuesta – también conocido como "Perfecta".

Número de cinco línea de apuesta: En la ruleta, una apuesta de un grupo de 5 números, como el 1-2-3-0, y 00.

Ein Online-Gambling-Glossar

Tuesday, 24. November 2009

[ English | Deutsch | Español | Français | Italiano ]

Auch wenn die Tatsache, dass Online-Spielen ist jetzt ein viele Milliarden-Dollar-Geschäft, und endlose tausende weitere Spieler rund um den Globus registrieren jeden Tag auf die Bereiche Internet Spielhöllen zu spielen, gibt es zusätzlich Millionen von Einsteigern in die Welt der Web-Glücksspiele, die nicht als noch ein gutes Verständnis eines Großteils der Schlagworte im Internet beschäftigt Wetten und Sportwetten im Allgemeinen. Das Verständnis dieser Begriffe ist notwendig, um die Interpretation der Spiele und der Politik der Spiele:

AKTION: Jede Art von Wette.

ALL-IN: Im Poker bedeutet, dass alle in einem Spieler hat alle ihr Geld in den Pot gesetzt. Eine zweite Topf ist für die wagerers mit zusätzlichen Chips aufgebaut.

ALL-UP: Um Wette auf mehrere Pferde im selben Wettbewerb.

ANTE: Ein Poker-Satz für das Inverkehrbringen eines bestimmten Wert des Geldes in den Topf nur beforeevery Hand beginnt.

Bring-In: Eine erforderliche Wette im 7-Card Stud, die der Spieler mit der geringsten Wert-Karte gemacht.

Büste: Sie gewinnen nicht, wie in 21, wenn ein Spieler die Karten sind über 21 Jahre geschätzt.

BUY-IN: Die minimale Anzahl von Chips benötigt, um in einem Spiel oder ein Ereignis zu bekommen.

CALL: Wie beim Poker, wenn eine Wette ist das gleiche wie ein zuvor gemacht Wette.

CHECK: Im Poker um im Spiel bleiben, ohne Wetten. Dies gilt nur, wenn keine andere Spieler in dieser Runde.

Schließen einer BET: Wie in Spread Betting, dh zu einer Wette gleich, sondern umgekehrt von der Eröffnung Einsatz gebracht.

Column Bet: Für die Wette auf ein oder mehrere der 3 Säulen eines Roulette-Tisches.

Come-Einsatz: In scheißt ist das gleiche wie eine Pass Line-Einsatz, aber nach der durchgeführten Hurler ihren Standpunkt festgelegt.

COME ROLL-OUT: Eine crapshooters erste Phase bis zu einem Punkt, oder die ersten Wurf erreichen nach einer bestimmten Anzahl an angekommen ist.

COVERALL: Ein Bingo-Sicht Sinn Decke alle Orte auf einem Bingo-Blatt.

Kacken OUT: Im Craps, ein zwei, drei Rollen oder 12 ist eine unmittelbare Niederlage auf dem Come-out "zu werfen.

Täglich verdoppeln: So wählen Sie die Gewinner der ersten 2 Rennen des Turniers.

DOWN BET: Wetten, dass das Ergebnis eines Ereignisses niedriger sein als der kleinste Ende des Zitats auf einem Spread Betting wird auch als "verkaufen" bezeichnet.

Dutzend: In Roulette zu, Sie auf eine der 3 Gruppen von zwölf Zahlen, 1-zwölf etc.

EACH WAY BET: Eine Wette, die auf eine Mannschaft oder einen Spieler wetten, um erfolgreich zu sein oder die Position in einem Spiel bedeutet.

Even Money BET: Eine Wette, die den gleichen Betrag als der Einsatz lohnt, (1:1).

EXACTA: Wetten, dass zwei Pferde in einer Veranstaltung in der absoluten dieselbe Aufgabe wie die Wette beenden – auch bekannt als ein "Perfecta".

FÜNF-NUMBER LINE BET: In Roulette, eine Wette auf eine Gruppe von 5 Zahlen, wie 1-2-3-0 gelegt, und 00.

An Online Gambling Glossaire

Tuesday, 24. November 2009

[ English ]

Même si la réalité que le jeu en ligne est désormais bien des milliards de dollars d'affaires, et des milliers de joueurs supplémentaires interminables autour du signe globe en place chaque jour pour jouer dans les terriers de jeu d'Internet, il existe en outre des millions de nouveaux venus dans le monde du jeu web qui ne comme l'ont encore une bonne compréhension de la plupart des slogans employés dans paris sur Internet, et miser sur les sports en général. Cependant, la compréhension de ces idées est nécessaire à l'interprétation des jeux et des politiques du jeu:

ACTION: N'importe quel type de pari.

ALL-IN: Au poker, le tout-en désigne un joueur a mis tout leur argent dans le pot. Un deuxième pot est mis en place pour les parieurs avec des jetons supplémentaires.

ALL-UP: Pour miser sur plusieurs chevaux dans le même concours.

Ante: Une phrase de poker pour placer une valeur spécifiée de l'argent dans le pot juste main beforeevery commence.

Bring-In: Un pari tenu en 7-card stud faite par le joueur montrant la plus petite carte de valeur.

BUST: Vous ne gagnez pas, Comme en 21, quand les cartes d'un joueur sont évalués à plus de 21.

Buy-In: Le montant minimum de jetons nécessaires pour obtenir dans un match ou un événement.

APPEL: Comme au poker, quand un pari est le même comme un pari déjà effectués.

CHECK: Au poker, pour rester dans le match sans parier. Ceci est applicable seulement si aucun des autres joueurs parient dans ce tour.

FERMETURE D'UNE MISE: Comme dans la propagation des paris sportifs, ce qui signifie de mettre un pari égal mais inverse de la mise d'ouverture.

BET COLONNE: Pour miser sur un ou plusieurs des 3 colonnes d'une table de roulette.

Come Bet: Dans le craps, la même chose qu'un passe-pari en ligne, mais effectuée après l'Hurler a établi leur point.

Come-Out: A Crapshooters déploiement initial de réaliser un point, ou le premier lancer après un certain nombre a été déterminé.

COVERALL: un bingo terme, un sens à la couverture de toutes les taches sur une feuille de bingo.

CRAPPING OUT: Au Craps, pour rouler à deux, trois ou 12 est une défaite immédiate sur le come-mettre à la porte.

DOUBLE TOUS LES JOURS: Pour choisir les lauréats des 2 premières courses du tournoi.

DOWN pari: parier que le résultat d'un événement sera plus faible que la plus petite fin de la citation sur un pari propagation, également appelée «vente».

Douzaine: Dans la roulette, parier sur l'un des 3 groupes de douze numéros, 1-douze, etc

Chaque pari WAY: Un pari sportif, ce qui signifie de parier sur une équipe ou un joueur de réussir ou de position dans un match.

MEME parier de l'argent: Un pari qui paie le même montant que BET, (1:1).

EXACTA: le pari que deux chevaux dans un événement se terminera dans la même cession absolue comme le pari – également connu comme un "Perfecta".

Numéro à cinq LINE BET: Dans la roulette, un pari placé sur un groupement de 5 chiffres, comme le 1-2-3-0, et 00.

Zimbabwe gambling dens

Monday, 23. November 2009

[ English | Deutsch | Español | Français | Italiano ]

The act of living in Zimbabwe is somewhat of a risk at the current time, so you could imagine that there might be very little desire for visiting Zimbabwe’s gambling halls. In fact, it seems to be operating the opposite way around, with the critical market conditions creating a greater eagerness to bet, to try and locate a quick win, a way out of the situation.

For nearly all of the locals living on the tiny local earnings, there are 2 dominant forms of gaming, the state lottery and Zimbet. Just as with most everywhere else on the planet, there is a state lotto where the odds of hitting are surprisingly small, but then the winnings are also remarkably high. It’s been said by financial experts who study the situation that many don’t buy a card with a real expectation of hitting. Zimbet is based on either the national or the United Kingston soccer divisions and involves determining the results of future matches.

Zimbabwe’s gambling dens, on the other hand, pamper the extremely rich of the state and vacationers. Up until a short time ago, there was a very substantial tourist industry, based on safaris and visits to Victoria Falls. The market anxiety and connected crime have carved into this trade.

Amongst Zimbabwe’s gambling dens, there are two in the capital, Harare, the Carribea Bay Resort and Casino, which has five gaming tables and one armed bandits, and the Plumtree gambling den, which has just the slots. The Zambesi Valley Hotel and Entertainment Center in Kariba also has only slots. Mutare contains the Monclair Hotel and Casino and the Leopard Rock Hotel and Casino, the pair of which contain table games, slots and electronic poker machines, and Victoria Falls houses the Elephant Hills Hotel and Casino and the Makasa Sun Hotel and Casino, both of which have slot machines and tables.

In addition to Zimbabwe’s casinos and the aforementioned alluded to lottery and Zimbet (which is very like a pools system), there are a total of 2 horse racing complexes in the nation: the Matabeleland Turf Club in Bulawayo (the 2nd municipality) and the Borrowdale Park in Harare.

Since the economy has shrunk by more than 40 percent in recent years and with the connected poverty and violence that has cropped up, it is not known how well the vacationing industry which funds Zimbabwe’s gambling dens will do in the near future. How many of the casinos will be alive until things improve is simply not known.

New Mexico Bingo

Wednesday, 18. November 2009

[ English | Deutsch | Español | Français | Italiano ]

New Mexico has a stormy gaming background. When the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act was signed by the House in Nineteen Eighty Nine, it seemed like New Mexico might be one of the states to get on the Native casino craze. Politics guaranteed that wouldn’t be the situation.

The New Mexico governor Bruce King appointed a working group in Nineteen Ninety to negotiate a compact with New Mexico American Indian tribes. When the task force arrived at an agreement with two big local tribes a year later, Governor King declined to sign the agreement. He held up a deal until 1994.

When a new governor took over in Nineteen Ninety Five, it seemed that American Indian betting in New Mexico was now a certainty. But when Governor Gary Johnson signed the contract with the American Indian bands, anti-wagering groups were able to hold the deal up in the courts. A New Mexico court found that the Governor had out stepped his bounds in signing a deal, thus denying the state of New Mexico hundreds of thousands of dollars in licensing fees over the next several years.

It required the Compact Negotiation Act, signed by the New Mexico government, to get the process moving on a full accord amongst the Government of New Mexico and its Amerindian bands. 10 years had been burned for gaming in New Mexico, including Native casino Bingo.

The nonprofit Bingo business has gotten bigger from Nineteen Ninety-Nine. In that year, New Mexico not for profit game providers acquired just $3,048. That climbed to $725,150 in 2000, and passed one million dollars in 2001. Non-profit Bingo revenues have increased steadily since that time. 2005 saw the greatest year, with $1,233,289 grossed by the providers.

Bingo is categorically beloved in New Mexico. All types of providers look for a bit of the pie. Hopefully, the politicians are through batting over gambling as a key factor like they did in the 90’s. That’s probably hopeful thinking.

Gambling in Atlantic City

Tuesday, 17. November 2009

[ English ]

Wagering in Atlantic City, initially made legal in 1978, has provided an awesome increase to the economy. As a result, Atlantic City has now become a huge tourist industry, with hundreds of thousands of tourists every year, spending billions of dollars for entertainment.

When you think of gambling in Atlantic City, you will more than likely think of poker. Over fifty million people play poker at least once a month and Atlantic City provides a number of the very best casino poker rooms in the nation.The majority of the above-mentioned casinos are located along the Boardwalk and in the Marina area. Bally’s, Harrah’s, and the Sands are pretty small when compared to a few of the other gambling casinos, but they provide many low-limit poker games and daily tournaments in Texas Holdem, 5-Card Stud, and Omaha high poker.

The poker rooms at the Sands, Bally’s Wild Wild West, and most of the other casinos provide a lot of non-smoking tables for players. The Tropicana has televised sports events that can be seen from any and all table. The Tropicana also provides the Trop Poker Club, which is always open, in which members can earn between fifty cents to $2.00 each hour for each live poker game they compete in. This money can be used for room, snacks, or beverage credit and are simply another incentive to bet on poker.

Playing in Atlantic City is often closely identified with the incredibly popular Trump Taj Majal, which introduced the first no-smoking poker room. It offers in excess of 70 tables, where you are able to participate in most types of poker, including but not limited to five-Card Stud, Hold’em, and Omaha, for a tiny buy in of one dollar up to $600. Daily tournaments, hi-low poker games, and 2 annual tournaments, which includes the U.S. Poker Championship and the Trump Classic. The Taj Majal, as well as several other casinos, offer no charge poker classes for the newbie. If you’re gaming in Atlantic City and looking for luxury and elegance, you should consider the Borgata Hotel Casino and Spa and Caesar’s.

Betting in Atlantic City has brought new life to what was once a crumbling city. Discover gaming in Atlantic City; it’s exciting and enjoyable.

Florida Casinos

Friday, 13. November 2009

[ English ]

Florida is best known for Sea World, sun, wonderful beaches and fresh oranges. Every year hundreds of thousands of people make their way to enjoy Daytona and other places to absorb the sun, enjoy some swimming in the ocean at the coastal areas, and to check out Disney World, Bush Gardens, and a number of water parks. Florida has just about too many great tourist cities to compute, including Miami, Cape Canaveral, Daytona Beach, Orlando, Fort Lauderdale and a good many more. The Citrus Commonwealth has approximately sixteen million citizens and has fantastic weather year-round, making it a favorite place for people tired of the snowy conditions in northern areas like Chicago, St. Louis and Minneapolis.

Florida Casinos are a bustling business in the Sunshine State. Florida gambling halls and Florida wagering consist of a good many distinguished games; one armed bandits, tables like twenty-one and Texas Hold-em poker; also in the list roulette and a good many other table games. Florida dice joints are an awesome way to discover amusement while not the need for sun lotion and bikini. Florida gambling dens consist of land-located businesses and cruise ship betting, which presents a high-class way to enjoy the state’s gambling and encounter the sights at the same instance.

Gambling boat trips are accessible practically anyplace along the coast line. There is an abounding selection of experiences available from Florida gambling halls, the hardest choice you most likely will make is where to begin! From the chemin de fer table to the roulette wheel, and every game in between, you can discover it all at Florida dice joints. In Florida you can find some dice joints that uphold specific dress code, so be certain to investigate before leaving for a casino. Some Florida gambling dens specify a carefree environment, but may demand no sleeveless tops or pluggers. Know ahead of you going, wager responsibly and always, have fun!

An Online Gambling Glossary

Tuesday, 10. November 2009

[ English | Deutsch | Español | Français | Italiano ]

Even though the reality that online gambling is now a many billion dollar business, and endless thousands of additional players around the globe sign up each day to play at internet gambling dens, there are additionally millions of newcomers to the world of web gambling who do not as yet have a good comprehension of much of the catchphrases employed in internet betting, and betting on sports in general. However, understanding of these ideas is necessary to interpreting the games and policies of gaming:

ACTION: Any type of wager.

ALL-IN: In poker, all-in means a player has put all of their money into the pot. A second pot is set up for the wagerers with additional chips.

ALL-UP: To wager on several horses in the same contest.

ANTE: A poker phrase for placing a specified value of money into the pot just beforeevery hand begins.

BRING-IN: A required bet in 7-card stud made by the player showing the smallest value card.

BUST: You do not win; As in 21, when a gambler’s cards are valued over 21.

BUY-IN: The minimum amount of chips required to get in a match or event.

CALL: As in poker, when a wager is the same as a previously made bet.

CHECK: In poker, to remain in the match without betting. This is applicable only if no other players bet in that round.

CLOSING A BET: As in spread betting, meaning to put a wager equal to but converse of the opening bet.

COLUMN BET: To wager on one or more of the 3 columns of a roulette table.

COME BET: In craps, the same as a pass-line wager, but carried out after the hurler has established their point.

COME-OUT ROLL: A crapshooters initial roll to achieve a point, or the first toss after a number has been arrived at.

COVERALL: A bingo term, meaning to blanket all the spots on a bingo sheet.

CRAPPING OUT: In craps, to roll a two, three or 12 is an immediate defeat on the come-out toss.

DAILY DOUBLE: To choose the winners of the first 2 races of the tournament.

DOWN BET: To bet that the outcome of an event will be lower than the smallest end of the quote on a spread bet, also referred to as a "sell".

DOZEN BET: In roulette, to wager on any of 3 groups of twelve numbers, 1-twelve, etc.

EACH WAY BET: A sports bet, which means to wager on a team or player to succeed or position in a game.

EVEN MONEY BET: A wager that pays the same amount as bet, ( 1:1 ).

EXACTA: Betting that two horses in an event will finish in the absolute same assignment as the wager – also known as a " Perfecta ".

FIVE-NUMBER LINE BET: In roulette, a bet placed on a grouping of 5 numbers, such as 1-2-3-0, and 00.

Laos Gambling Halls

Tuesday, 3. November 2009

Nestled in between Thailand and Vietnam, Laos is one of the true diamonds of Southeast Asia. Although some locations of it might not be as highly developed as its Indochina counterparts, there is one location where it has been able to keep up – gambling den gaming.

The Dansavanh Casino is based in Ban Muang Wa-Tha, Vientiane Province. This Laos gambling hall brings in a good many employment opportunities for the citizens, who occasionally do not always have a chance to earn a living income. The Dansavanh Casino is completely reliant upon sightseers in order to make money. Locals generally only work at the casinos and don’t risk their earnings on gaming. Because next door countries such as Thailand are filled with brash, extravagant casinos, Dansavanh Casino relies more on vacationers from China, which borders Laos on the Northeastern edge.

The Chinese governing body has always been decidedly against betting, notably inside its own borders. This is why nations such as Laos can open gambling halls and be immediately successful–gamblers from different states. Because betting is so taboo in China, the vacationers flock to gambling halls in anticipation to alleviate their curiosity, and they generally spend pretty big. Laos casinos have long benefited from this type of spending.

Casino gaming in Laos features many of the identical games that you would see at many other gambling dens around the planet. Games like vingt-et-un, punto banco, roulette, slots, and electronic poker can be seen in the casinos. You could even have private or public tables to bet at, if you should want.

Because of the beautiful vacation centers and the opportunity to bet within its borders, Laos will endure to be a force in the Southeast Asia sightseeing business. More waterfront properties and even vacationcasinos are in the early development stage and are likely to be opening in the in the years to come. This affords not only entertainment, but additionally a source for employment and state capital for this disadvantaged country.